Tuesday, January 15, 2008



So I've been bouncing around blogger, reading different blogs, and i must say that i am very impressed. I'm thinking about jazzin up my blog. Problem is i have no idea how to. meow

I'm thinking of signing up for netflix, i am always the last person to do something.

So, here's the deal i am officially single and loving it. This is always the best part for me, because now i can just spread my wings an fly. And that's exactly what i plan to do.

Everyone is all caught up in there own motion picture of life, and I am over playing an extra.

I want success and joy. That's all.

Another season of the Wire is back, and I am loving it. my only question is who the hell is Marlo, and where did he come from?

To my fellow bloggers thanx for the comments.

How do i bulid up traffic?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I was born a winner

This has been a tumultuous month for me, hopefully it ends soon. Yet through it all i am trying my best to remain positive.

Again, I have no idea what to talk about.

Do anyone know anything about Zimbio?

Stay positive. Did you have a good laugh today? No, look at the video below, it is sure to do the trick.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I know I can, I know I can


I am trying to cure this disgusting disease I have called PROCRASTINATION, I have had it for as long as i can remember, and i just don't know how to get rid of it. It is the most annoying thing about myself. If i was into cutting this would provoke it. They say that you're suppose to make a checklist and go through each duty step by step. I have attempted this numerous times and i start off great but of course i never finish.

For instance i need to start doing Pilate's. I have the DVD already in the player all i have to do is press play, but nooo. Well, maybe that's just laziness, I'm also infected with that. The combination of the both is deadly. I really have to shake it off.

I read somewhere, that in order to figure out the amount of water you should drink daily, you have to divide your weight by two and that will give the amount of ounces. For example I weigh 160/2= 80. So I should drink 80 ounces of water which comes to 10 cups. Currently, i drink 3 cups, on a good day.

I haven't been reading my PMA book they way i should, that's why my motivational talks have died down, but I'm getting back focused, between the holidays, finals, and my men drama, i fell of track.

P.S.- To my good friend who held my hand throughout 2007, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. We hold the keys to the city. For those of you are trying to figure out "is it me?" No it is not you, its Gossip Boy.

Need help with computers? go to this blog its the best. http://unlimitedcomputersolution.blogspot.com/