Monday, November 19, 2007

Loving you, is easy cuz you're beautiful

I love me some him, I'll never love this way again. I love me some you, another man will never do.

Hello again, i hope you are all a step closer to attaining the goals you have set, I know I am. I also hope you are loving yourself the way you should. There is nothing more unattractive than a low self-esteem. I have come to the conclusion that all haters and spectators lack self love. This is very saddening to me, i mean come on. You put all this focus into loving some guy and totally forget about loving the most important person, YOU. It's like Mary said" how can i love somebody else, if i cant love myself enough to know when its time, time to let go. Wise up ladies! You probably wondering why i care if you love yourself, and the answer is i really don't, but i figure if you learn to love yourself then maybe you can stop hating on the few of us that do. Enough is enough.
There is a reason that you are a mate, a side kick, a ting. men can sense insecurity from a mile away, and they will prey. Take some time and look within. Figure out what type of vibe you are sending out. Fix yourself and stop eyeballing me. I know he told you were nothing, he called you fat, ugly, another dude wont do what he did, he even probably called you out your name. Do not give in, do not let him win. if you need someone to talk to seriously, leave me a comment and i will reach out to you.
I am not advertising on this blog, unless they pay me, but i spent all weekend listening to Alicia Keys new CD. I love it!

My gal who is the greatest publicist of all time is also an event coordinator link her at

Kissing in the rain, is so romantic. Find someone to kiss in the rain before the year is up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmmm. Its so true, self love is such a great thing. I Love me some me, I am beautiful in every single way. How can you expect someone to love you when u dont love yourself. You are a queen and you deserve a king so y r u slummin and allowing another human being to make you feel worthless. Dont do it girl.