Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I feel a celebration coming!!!!


So if you didn't know, I'm telling you now, my birthday is coming. Oh Yes, its almost here. I just made reservations to go to the spa. Yea, that's what I'm doing, taking it real nice and easy. Maybe I'll go to AC and gamble, what the hell. I love to gamble its just something about that slot machine yelling at me Big Money! Yup that's what I'll do.

I have no idea what to talk about today. Oh, this is for the ladies; there is this girdle called spanx. this purchase is a must. it starts from right under the breast, and its shorts that goes midway down your thighs. All the stars use it including BEYONCE. My mom bought one and it works. It gets rid of all your love handles and lifts your booty. its really comfortable and no bulges! It starts at about $150, I'm not sure of the price because i am not advertising, but its a good buy.

I'm also doing some freelance head hunting (looking for jobs for the unemployed). If you or someone is in need of a job leave a comment or email me.

ok love ya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i need one of them girdles, my love handles r starting to show.