Tuesday, January 15, 2008



So I've been bouncing around blogger, reading different blogs, and i must say that i am very impressed. I'm thinking about jazzin up my blog. Problem is i have no idea how to. meow

I'm thinking of signing up for netflix, i am always the last person to do something.

So, here's the deal i am officially single and loving it. This is always the best part for me, because now i can just spread my wings an fly. And that's exactly what i plan to do.

Everyone is all caught up in there own motion picture of life, and I am over playing an extra.

I want success and joy. That's all.

Another season of the Wire is back, and I am loving it. my only question is who the hell is Marlo, and where did he come from?

To my fellow bloggers thanx for the comments.

How do i bulid up traffic?


becca.elpy said...

To build traffic you could add your blog URL to your signature line in emails. (only ones going to people you'd actually want to read your blog) You could also leave comments on other blogs. That's how I found you.

Much success! I'm not a Netflix person, yet either. So you're not totally last. :)

Anonymous said...

Adding Traffic... Get a myspace spread the word.

Join other bloggers and spread the word. Some of my fav's are www.theybf.com and stealstyle.blogspot.com

they both have a large fan base and sure everyone will follow...

Hope this helps !!!

WendyB said...

Another way to build traffic (though time-consuming) is become a regular commenter on other people's blogs :-)

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

Let your mind roam free and see what you come up with, that's what I do!