Friday, February 8, 2008



Sorry for being away for so long, but i have been so busy working on my Non Profit Organization- Mariah Charities, in memory of my daughter Mariah Faith-Emmanuelle.

For some weird reason I always wanted to have my own NP, i started putting it into the universe about 4 years ago. I kept putting it off unitl i turned 30, but after the lose of my daughter, I've come to the conclusion that there is no better time than the present.

So, under Mariah Charities, my plan is to have several programs. The first is a program that will give aide to the children of parents who are incarcerated. I'm fortunately am not one of them, but most of my cousins are. Some of the these inmates would love to be a parent to their children, and this is where i come in. I will be that connecting factor.

There are two other programs that I am working on, which will give aide to other demographics. its a lot of work, but I want to give. I dont have much, but i am grateful for everything. I can only imagine what it feels like not to have.

Anyway, i will keep you guys posted. Besides i might need to vent more often, than usual, i might have to start a whole new blog.

If you guys feel like giving, you can send donations of any amount to:

Mariah Charities
319 Lafayette Street #277
New York, NY 10012

Hey, did you guys see last week episode of the Wire, i mean this show never seizes to amaze me.


Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

that's wonderful what you are doing!
Stay positive and strong!

kokostiletto said...

wow! you are so inspiring!
By the way, Cashmere is Cashmere mafia! and i posted a link to watch lipstick jungle!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new NP. Nothing is better than the present to live out your dreams. I wish you love and success towards this new adventure in this thing called LIFE.